Won Kwang TFS CO LTD.
* Welcome to Wonkwang! Today, the industrial environment is changing as a business environment that utilizes a high-density communications and information processing, advanced indust and rial equipment. To keep pace with these changes, varies of field such as commercial office space, training, education, production and residential environment requires a double flooring (Access Floor System) in all areas of industry. Access Floor, in order to meet the users' needs, it is not only enables variety of wiring system and efficient space utilization, but also satisfied in affordability, safety in the future system expansion and capacity with ease that you can easily change to fully resolve all of the necessary requirements. TFS co., ltd. is producing the highest quality products based on the KS certification, quality control techniques and experience of a double celebration flooring professional manufacturer which established in 1998. We have variety of field experience in domestic and recognition of excellence in quality, therefore we currently exports to 20 countries overseas. In the future, we will further concentrate on research and development to create the best products and to keep pace with the future generation of high-tech information.